SantElm66 is the crystallization of our reflection over many years exploring how we can live in a more creative and sustainable way, and contribute with respect and care towards better living and a healthier planet.
Workshops and activities held at SantElm66 are intended for anyone who is passionate about the environmental issues facing our world today, regardless of technical knowledge or qualifications. They will focus on different ways to care for our planet through human actions and cultural exchanges.
Each of us can contribute to the future of our planet by making responsible choices in our daily lives.
SantElm66 is a place to share, where everyone can enjoy participating in inspiring activities, as well as relaxing and appreciating nature, and good, healthy living.
All of our workshops are based around the following questions:
How can we live intelligently in the present in order to preserve the future of the planet?
What choices and actions should we take to improve our living environment now and for the future?
Workshops will be held during the months of June and July.
6-day workshop-residence
These workshops will take the form of encounters and discussions led by specialists each morning. Afternoons will be devoted to individual research, practical occupations and leisure.
1. Sustainable architecture and landscaping
This workshop deals with the theme of environmental architecture and landscaping, or how to intervene in a responsible way in a given place. It will lay the foundations for a thought process committed to sustainable development and its implication in our daily lives.
We will examine and evaluate:
The ecosystem that surrounds us: environment, context, building and urban planning, climate, lifestyles and behaviour
Energy and natural resources, materials, local artisanal and industrial suppliers, local traditions and know-how
How to apply a critical and responsible approach to construction, adapted to the situation, while avoiding outdated or regionalist ideas
How do we conceive and design our habitat and landscapes?
2. Design
This workshop examines the new modes of production and how we consume objects and everyday products.
It is aligned with the current tendency to counter the big brands or the major retailers everywhere that offer identical and uniform products. There are alternative producers who make furniture, objects and household goods from local natural materials, recycled or not.
We will concentrate on these topics:
How can we avoid the impact of large industry, mass distribution, or those with high-performance communication platforms?
What are the alternatives and strategies for better disseminating these approaches?
How can we durably resist the “big brands”?
What is design today, what are our needs, how can we consume intelligently?
3. New perspectives on artistic practices
This workshop will be a practical atelier dealing with perception. Photographers, painters, and writers discuss how art can help us gain new perspectives.
Sessions of recording the visible – by photography reportages, drawings and writing – will be organized
Seeing, perceiving, listening, hearing, meeting, transcribing, and recounting will be the themes questioning current artistic practices
How can we free artistic appreciation from pre-conceived ideas and the dictation of trends
This workshop may lead to an exhibition or presentation open to the public in order to exchange with local inhabitants and visitors
2-day mini workshop-residence
These workshops will center around local resources and include at least one visit to a related site nearby.
Today there are many companies or associations that organize meetings or workshops around ecological and sustainable development and organic farming.
The workshop will make an assessment of this theme, and evaluate their effective application and impact in the subjects considered.
The 2-day workshops will focus on the following topics:
Organic farming
Organic wine production
Organic olive oil production
Tradition local ceramic production
Tradition of cork in local artisanal production
Recycled materials and new design - low cost / easy tech
“Slow” market and regional cooking
The workshops will be held in two stages:
The first will be devoted to a presentation by a specialist on the subject, whether producer, scientist, researcher or practitioner. This presentation will be followed by discussions, questions and exchanges.
The second part will focus on visits and meetings on production and distribution sites.
be one of the first to participate!